With exceptional flora and fauna, Greater Palm Springs is an amazing playground to experience outdoor activities.
Joshua Tree National Park
Mystical beauty, thousand-year-old cactus called « Joshua Tree », architects’ houses nestled between huge granite rock formations… A unique natural treasure.
Yoga classes made in Coachella
Mix vitamin C and endorphins during a morning yoga class at the iconic Coachella festival venue.
Improve your swing
With over 100 golf courses, Greater Palm Springs is an exceptional playground for golf enthusiasts of all skill levels!
The San Andreas Rift
More than 150 species of plants, a panoramic path, groves of California palm trees, rock formations separated by a legendary fault… welcome to San Andreas.
Modern, 1950s-style architectural tour
Geometric rooflines, colorful « A »-shaped front doors, endless palm trees running through the walls: Greater Palm Springs is the heart of mid-century modern architecture.
Contact : MN’Organisation, Greater Palm Springs Representative in France, Marine Cardoso, Email: marine.cardoso@mno.fr, Website: https://www.visitgreaterpalmsprings.com/, Photo library