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Craters of the Moon is celebrating 100 years of existence, created on May 2nd, 1924 by President Calvin Coolidge to protect the unusual lava field of southern Idaho. This lunar landscape was supposed to resemble that of the Moon, and was described as « a strange and picturesque landscape of its own ».

From May 2024 to September 2024, Craters of the Moon National Monument will celebrate and recognize the core values that have shaped the park over the past 100 years. The park will host multiple virtual and in-person activities and events that highlight the « phases of the Moon » experienced in the park.

The following themes will be highlighted during the centennial celebration months:

– May – Cultural history

– June – Tranquil wilderness

– July – Solid research

– August – Explosive geology

– September – The night sky

Consult the activities and events program on the official website.

Contact : Rep & Co The Great American Wes representative in France, Emmanuelle Massieu, E-mail : emmanuelle@repandco-france.com