Ask anyone why the quality of life in Salt Lake City is so great, and most of them will mention the easy access to outdoor adventure. When it comes to hiking, there are an impressive number of trails that depart right from the city or from the canyons above town. Here are 3 suggestions for some of the best hikes:
– Neeff’s Canyon soon gains altitude as it narrows and ascends to cooler heights. You’ll cross a lovely stream and top out in a wildflower meadow. You can turn around whenever you want, but if you can make it all the way, you’ll certainly be glad you did. (Distance: 3.5 miles each way, Difficulty: Moderate)
– Bonneville Shoreline Trail: A long time ago, Lake Bonneville filled the Salt Lake Valley and much of the surrounding region. The old shoreline still forms a perfect indentation and it’s the baseline for a 100-mile trail that hugs the hillside today. (Distance: Extensive, Difficulty: Easy)
– Ensign Peak: This historic spot overlooking the downtown and Capitol Hill area is one of the easier hikes in Salt Lake City distance-wise. Though it’s a short hike you will be rewarded with a solid appreciation for the valley’s beauty. (Distance: Less than a mile each way, Difficulty: Easy)