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Since the ESTA Mobile App launched this past year, thousands of international travelers have enjoyed visa-free travel to the U.S. through the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). ESTA Mobile app offers a wide range of functions : ESTA application submission and review, passport scan and confirmation, identity confirmation, eligibility survey, application or profile modifications…

ESTA Mobile App is available in French and in IOS or Android versions:

In 2023, Visa Waiver application numbers were close to pre-pandemic levels. As a reminder, 2019 was the record year in terms of the number of travelers to the U.S. Furthermore, the ESTA Program team has been working with several major airlines and travel organizations to promote ESTA on their digital platforms and in pre-flight messaging.

To this day, Mobile Passport Control (MPC) allows Permanent Residents, Canadian citizens, and U.S. citizens to submit all travel documents through its free, secure mobile app. The MPC app streamlines the U.S. entry process by reducing passport control inspection time and overall wait times. This year, MPC will expand so visa-free travelers can also enjoy this expedited process!

Contact : U.S. Department of Commerce/International Trade Administration, Karen Ballard, Global Travel & Tourism Team Lead, E-mail : karen.ballard@trade.gov