Harriet Tubman accompanied many African Americans on their way to freedom by guiding them on the Maryland Underground Railroad network, which was not strictly speaking a railroad but a clandestine network of roads, secret waterways and hideouts.
This sightseeing itinerary traces the story of Harriet Tubman’s life and the courageous actions she took to deliver family and friends along the Underground Railroad – an underground network of people, places and routes that provided a shelter for escaping slaves.
This 200 km route begins on the east coast of Maryland and crosses the superb landscapes of the Chesapeake, to the delight of visitors, cyclists, hikers, boaters and nature lovers.
Contact: Rep & Co, Capital Region USA Representative in France, Emmanuelle Blondin, Email: emmanuelle@repandco-France.com, Website: http://fr.capitalregionusa.org/