The Plains Art Museum is delighted to present « Stairway to Heaven » by Salvador Dalí, the painter’s first major exhibition in North Dakota. Known as one of the greatest masters of surrealism in the 20th century, Salvador Dalí (1904-1989) has ignited the imagination of international viewers and artists for decades.
The exhibition presents 143 works on paper in a comparative study of two of Dalí’s most famous portfolios: his book illustrations for Les Chants de Maldoror by Comte de Lautréamont (originally published in 1868-1869) and Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy (originally published in 1320). Together, they express a progression in Dalí’s personal life in which he finally returns to order, reason and tradition, and presents his magnificent creativity without parallel.
Exhibition to be discovered until May 20, 2020.
Contact: Rep & Co, Great American West Representative in France, Emmanuelle Blondin, Email:, Website: